Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Type Namespacesort ascending Location Description
views_handler_field_term_node_tid class modules/taxonomy/views/ Field handler to display all taxonomy terms of a node.
views_handler_field_taxonomy class modules/taxonomy/views/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows linking to a taxonomy term.
views_handler_field_term_link_edit class modules/taxonomy/views/ Field handler to present a term edit link.
TaxonomyWebTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Provides common helper methods for Taxonomy module tests.
TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests the taxonomy vocabulary interface.
TaxonomyVocabularyUnitTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests for taxonomy vocabulary functions.
TaxonomyTermUnitTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Unit tests for taxonomy term functions.
TaxonomyLegacyTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Test for legacy node bug.
TaxonomyTermTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests for taxonomy term functions.
views_plugin_row_user_view class modules/user/views/ A row plugin which renders a user account via user_view.
views_handler_filter_user_roles class modules/user/views/ Filter handler for user roles.
views_handler_field_user_language class modules/user/views/ Views field handler for user language.
views_plugin_argument_validate_user class modules/user/views/ Validate whether an argument is a valid user.
views_handler_field_user_picture class modules/user/views/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows using a themed user link.
views_handler_filter_user_name class modules/user/views/ Filter handler for usernames.
views_handler_argument_users_roles class modules/user/views/ Allow role names as an argument.
views_handler_field_user class modules/user/views/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows linking to a user.
views_handler_filter_user_permissions class modules/user/views/ Filter handler for user roles.
views_handler_field_user_link_edit class modules/user/views/ Field handler to present a link to user edit.
views_plugin_argument_default_current_user class modules/user/views/ Default argument plugin to extract the global $user
views_handler_field_user_roles class modules/user/views/ Field handler to provide a list of roles.
views_handler_field_user_link class modules/user/views/ Field handler to present a link to the user.
views_handler_argument_user_uid class modules/user/views/ Argument handler to accept a user id.
views_plugin_argument_default_user class modules/user/views/ Default argument plugin to extract a user via menu_get_object.
views_handler_field_user_permissions class modules/user/views/ Field handler to provide a list of permissions.
views_handler_filter_user_current class modules/user/views/ Filter handler for the current user.
views_handler_field_user_mail class modules/user/views/ Field handler to provide acess control for the email field.
views_handler_field_user_link_cancel class modules/user/views/ Field handler to present a link to user cancel.
views_handler_field_user_name class modules/user/views/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows using a themed user link.
UserViewsArgumentDefault class modules/user/tests/user_views_argument_default.test Tests views user argument default plugin.
UserViewsHandlerFieldNameTest class modules/user/tests/user_views_handler_field_name.test Tests the field username handler.
UserViewsArgumentValidate class modules/user/tests/user_views_argument_validate.test Tests views user argument argument handler.
UserLoginTestBase class modules/user/tests/user.test
UserRegistrationTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test
UserValidationTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test
UserLoginTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Functional tests for user logins, including rate limiting of login attempts.
UserCancelTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test cancelling a user.
UserAccountLinksUnitTests class modules/user/tests/user.test Tests user links in the header menu.
UserBlocksUnitTests class modules/user/tests/user.test Test user blocks.
UserSaveTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case to test user_save() behavior.
UserCreateTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test the create user administration page.
UserEditTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case to test user_save() behavior.
UserEditRebuildTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Tests editing a user account with and without a form rebuild.
UserSignatureTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case for user signatures.
UserEditedOwnAccountTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test
UserRoleAdminTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case to test adding, editing and deleting roles.
UserTokenReplaceTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test user token replacement in strings.
UserUserSearchTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test user search.
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test role assignment.
UserValidateCurrentPassCustomForm class modules/user/tests/user.test Tests user_validate_current_pass on a custom form.
