Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Typesort ascending Namespace Location Description
views_plugin_access_role class modules/views/plugins/ Access plugin that provides role-based access control.
LocaleLibraryInfoAlterTest class modules/locale/tests/locale.test Tests localization of the JavaScript libraries.
views_handler_field_ncs_last_updated class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to display the newer of last comment / node updated.
views_plugin_argument_default_php class modules/views/plugins/ Default argument plugin to provide a PHP code block.
views_handler_field_node_comment class modules/comment/views/ Display node comment status.
views_plugin_display_block class modules/views/plugins/ The plugin that handles a block.
views_handler_sort_ncs_last_comment_name class modules/comment/views/ Sort handler to sort by last comment name which might be in 2 different fields.
views_plugin_style_summary_jump_menu class modules/views/plugins/ The default style plugin for summaries.
views_plugin_row_comment_rss class modules/comment/views/ Plugin which formats the comments as RSS items.
views_plugin_cache class modules/views/plugins/ The base plugin to handle caching.
views_handler_sort_search_score class modules/search/views/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows linking to a node.
views_plugin_exposed_form_input_required class modules/views/plugins/ Exposed form plugin that provides an exposed form with required input.
views_plugin_argument_validate class modules/views/plugins/ Base argument validator plugin to provide basic functionality.
ViewsPluginDisplayTestCase class modules/views/tests/plugins/views_plugin_display.test
views_plugin_display_attachment class modules/views/plugins/ The plugin that handles an attachment display.
views_plugin_display class modules/views/plugins/ The default display plugin handler. Display plugins handle options and basic mechanisms for different output methods.
ViewsPluginDisplayBlockTestCase class modules/views/tests/plugins/views_plugin_display_block.test Basic test class for Views query builder tests.
views_plugin_argument_default_raw class modules/views/plugins/ Default argument plugin to use the raw value from the URL.
views_plugin_style_table class modules/views/plugins/ Style plugin to render each item as a row in a table.
LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest class modules/locale/tests/locale.test Functional test for multilingual fields.
views_plugin_style class modules/views/plugins/ Base class to define a style plugin handler.
ViewsPluginStyleJumpMenuTest class modules/views/tests/styles/views_plugin_style_jump_menu.test Tests jump menu style functionality.
ViewsHandlersTest class modules/views/tests/views_handlers.test Tests abstract handlers of views.
views_handler_field_comment_username class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to allow linking to a user account or homepage.
ViewsQueryGroupByTest class modules/views/tests/views_groupby.test Tests aggregate functionality of views, for example count.
views_handler_field_comment_link_reply class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to present a link to reply to a comment.
view class modules/views/includes/ An object to contain all of the data to generate a view, plus the member functions to build the view query, execute the query and render the output.
views_display class modules/views/includes/ A display type in a view.
views_handler_field_comment_link_delete class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to present a link to delete a comment.
views_handler class modules/views/includes/ Base handler, from which all the other handlers are derived. It creates a common interface to create consistency amongst handlers and data.
views_many_to_one_helper class modules/views/includes/ This many to one helper object is used on both arguments and filters.
views_join class modules/views/includes/ A function class to represent a join and create the SQL necessary to implement the join.
views_join_subquery class modules/views/includes/ Join handler for relationships that join with a subquery as the left field. eg: LEFT JOIN node node_term_data ON ([YOUR SUBQUERY HERE]) = node_term_data.nid
ViewsBlock class modules/views/includes/ Displays a view listing as a block, with overriding options.
views_object class modules/views/includes/ Basic definition for many views objects.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max class modules/views/handlers/ Relationship handler that allows a groupwise maximum of the linked in table. For a definition, see: In lay terms, instead of joining to get all matching records in the…
ViewsSpecialBlock class modules/views/includes/ Displays special Views blocks, such as the Exposed Filters block.
views_plugin class modules/views/includes/ Abstract base class to provide interface common to all plugins.
views_handler_field_comment_node_link class modules/comment/views/ Handler for showing comment module's node link.
views_plugin_row_search_view class modules/search/views/ Plugin which performs a node_view on the resulting object.
views_handler_field_comment_link class modules/comment/views/ Base field handler to present a link.
views_handler_field_comment_link_edit class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to present a link to edit a comment.
FileSaveDataTest class modules/simpletest/tests/file.test Tests the file_save_data() function.
ViewsUIWizardDisplaysTestCase class modules/views/tests/views_ui.test Tests that displays can be correctly overridden via the user interface.
views_handler_field_boolean class modules/views/handlers/ A handler to provide proper displays for booleans.
views_handler_field_date class modules/views/handlers/ A handler to provide proper displays for dates.
views_handler_area_text class modules/views/handlers/ Views area text handler.
views_handler_sort_date class modules/views/handlers/ Basic sort handler for dates.
views_handler_field_entity class modules/views/handlers/ A handler to display data from entity objects.
LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest class modules/locale/tests/locale.test Functional tests for comment language.
