Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Type Namespacesort descending Location Description
views_handler_argument_vocabulary class modules/taxonomy/views/ Argument handler to accept a vocabulary name.
views_handler_field_term_node_tid class modules/taxonomy/views/ Field handler to display all taxonomy terms of a node.
FileFileTypeClassificationTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests file type classification functionality.
views_handler_field_taxonomy class modules/taxonomy/views/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows linking to a taxonomy term.
FileUnitTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests basic file entity functionality.
views_handler_field_term_link_edit class modules/taxonomy/views/ Field handler to present a term edit link.
TaxonomyWebTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Provides common helper methods for Taxonomy module tests.
TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests the taxonomy vocabulary interface.
TaxonomyVocabularyUnitTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests for taxonomy vocabulary functions.
TaxonomyTermUnitTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Unit tests for taxonomy term functions.
FileEditTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests editing existing file entities.
TaxonomyLegacyTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Test for legacy node bug.
TaxonomyTermTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests for taxonomy term functions.
TaxonomyRSSTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests the rendering of term reference fields in RSS feeds.
TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests the hook implementations that maintain the taxonomy index.
TaxonomyLoadMultipleUnitTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Test the taxonomy_term_load_multiple() function.
TaxonomyHooksTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests for taxonomy hook invocation.
TaxonomyTermFieldTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests for taxonomy term field and formatter.
FileUploadWizardTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests creating new file entities through the file upload wizard.
TaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularyTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests a taxonomy term reference field that allows multiple vocabularies.
TaxonomyTokenReplaceTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Test taxonomy token replacement in strings.
TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests setting languages for taxonomy.
TaxonomyThemeTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests for verifying that taxonomy pages use the correct theme.
TaxonomyEFQTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests the functionality of EntityFieldQuery for taxonomy entities.
TaxonomyQueryAlterTestCase class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test Tests that appropriate query tags are added.
TaxonomyViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest class modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy_views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test Tests the relationship_node_term_data handler.
views_plugin_access_none class modules/views/plugins/ Access plugin that provides no access control at all.
views_plugin_exposed_form_basic class modules/views/plugins/ Exposed form plugin that provides a basic exposed form.
views_plugin_style_summary_unformatted class modules/views/plugins/ The default style plugin for summaries.
FileAdminTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Test file administration page functionality.
views_plugin_pager_mini class modules/views/plugins/ The plugin to handle mini pager.
FileUsageTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests the file usage page.
views_plugin_row class modules/views/plugins/ Default plugin to view a single row of a table. This is really just a wrapper around a theme function.
views_plugin_display_embed class modules/views/plugins/ The plugin that handles an embed display.
views_plugin_argument_default class modules/views/plugins/ The fixed argument default handler; also used as the base.
views_plugin_display_default class modules/views/plugins/ A plugin to handle defaults on a view.
views_plugin_cache_none class modules/views/plugins/ Caching plugin that provides no caching at all.
views_plugin_pager_some class modules/views/plugins/ Plugin for views without pagers.
views_plugin_argument_default_fixed class modules/views/plugins/ The fixed argument default handler.
FileChangeSchemeTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Test changing the scheme of a file.
FileReplaceTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests replacing the file associated with a file entity.
views_plugin_display_extender class modules/views/plugins/ @todo.
FileTypeTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests adding support for bundles to the core 'file' entity.
views_plugin_localization class modules/views/plugins/ The base plugin to handle localization of Views strings.
views_plugin_pager_none class modules/views/plugins/ Plugin for views without pagers.
views_plugin_display_page class modules/views/plugins/ The plugin that handles a full page.
views_plugin_style_summary class modules/views/plugins/ The default style plugin for summaries.
FileAccessTestCase class modules/file/tests/file.test Tests the file entity access API.
views_plugin_localization_core class modules/views/plugins/ Localization plugin to pass translatable strings through t().
BackdropUpdaterInterface interface includes/ Interface for a class which can update a Backdrop project.
