Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Typesort ascending Namespace Location Description
views_handler_field_math class modules/views/handlers/ Render a mathematical expression as a numeric value
views_handler_argument_date class modules/views/handlers/ Abstract argument handler for dates.
views_handler_argument_many_to_one class modules/views/handlers/ An argument handler for use in fields that have a many to one relationship with the table(s) to the left. This adds a bunch of options that are reasonably common with this type of relationship. Definition terms:
views_handler_field_comment_depth class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to display the depth of a comment.
views_handler_field_bulk_form class modules/views/handlers/ Defines a actions-based bulk operation form element.
views_handler_relationship class modules/views/handlers/ Simple relationship handler that allows a new version of the primary table to be linked in.
views_handler_relationship_broken class modules/views/handlers/ A special handler to take the place of missing or broken handlers.
views_handler_sort_ncs_last_updated class modules/comment/views/ Sort handler for the newer of last comment / node updated.
views_handler_field_comment_link_approve class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to present a link to approve a comment.
views_handler_filter_ncs_last_updated class modules/comment/views/ Filter handler for the newer of last comment / node updated.
views_handler_field_counter class modules/views/handlers/ Field handler to show a counter of the current row.
views_handler_field_url class modules/views/handlers/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that turns a URL into a clickable link.
views_handler_argument_numeric class modules/views/handlers/ Basic argument handler for arguments that are numeric. Incorporates break_phrase.
ViewsArgumentValidatorTest class modules/views/tests/views_argument_validator.test Tests Views argument validators.
views_handler_field_contextual_links class modules/views/handlers/ Provides a handler that adds contextual links.
views_handler_argument class modules/views/handlers/ Base class for arguments.
LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest class modules/locale/tests/locale.test Functional tests for localizing date formats.
views_handler_argument_broken class modules/views/handlers/ A special handler to take the place of missing or broken handlers.
views_handler_filter_node_comment class modules/comment/views/ Filter based on comment node status.
views_handler_field_ncs_last_comment_name class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to present the name of the last comment poster.
views_handler_argument_search class modules/search/views/ Argument that accepts query keys for search.
views_handler_field_node_new_comments class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to display the number of new comments.
views_handler_filter_search class modules/search/views/ Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows linking to a node.
views_handler_filter_fields_compare class modules/views/handlers/
views_handler_field_machine_name class modules/views/handlers/ Field handler whichs allows to show machine name content as human name.
SearchMatchTestCase class modules/search/tests/search.test Indexes content and queries it.
views_handler_filter_group_by_numeric class modules/views/handlers/ Simple filter to handle greater than/less than filters
views_handler_argument_group_by_numeric class modules/views/handlers/ Simple handler for arguments using group by.
views_handler_field_serialized class modules/views/handlers/ Field handler to show data of serialized fields.
ViewsBasicTest class modules/views/tests/views_basic.test Basic test class for Views query builder tests.
views_handler_filter_date class modules/views/handlers/ Filter to handle dates stored as a timestamp.
ViewsHandlerFilterStringTest class modules/views/tests/handlers/views_handler_filter_string.test Tests the core views_handler_filter_string handler.
views_handler_field_prerender_list class modules/views/handlers/ Field handler to provide a list of items.
BatchQueue class includes/ Defines a batch queue.
BatchMemoryQueue class includes/ Defines a batch queue for non-progressive batches.
ViewsViewTest class modules/views/tests/views_view.test Views class tests.
LocaleJavascriptTranslationTest class modules/locale/tests/locale.test Functional tests for JavaScript parsing for translatable strings.
SearchExactTestCase class modules/search/tests/search.test Tests that searching for a phrase gets the correct page count.
views_handler_sort_comment_thread class modules/comment/views/ Sort handler for ordering by thread.
SearchCommentTestCase class modules/search/tests/search.test Test integration searching comments.
LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest class modules/locale/tests/locale.test Functional test for string translation and validation.
DatabaseSelectTestCase class modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Test the SELECT builder.
SearchSimplifyTestCase class modules/search/tests/search.test Test search_simplify() on every Unicode character, and some other cases.
views_plugin_row_comment_view class modules/comment/views/ Plugin which performs a comment_view on the resulting object.
PathPatternUnitTestCase class modules/path/tests/path_pattern.test Unit tests for Path pattern functions.
views_handler_field_last_comment_timestamp class modules/comment/views/ Field handler to display the timestamp of a comment with the count of comments.
views_handler_argument_comment_user_uid class modules/comment/views/ Argument handler to accept a user id to check for nodes that user posted or commented on.
PathPatternFunctionalTestHelper class modules/path/tests/path_pattern.test Helper test class with some added functions for testing.
PathPatternLocaleTestCase class modules/path/tests/path_pattern.test
PathPatternBulkUpdateTestCase class modules/path/tests/path_pattern.test Bulk update functionality tests.
