Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Typesort ascending Namespace Location Description
UserAccountLinksUnitTests class modules/user/tests/user.test Tests user links in the header menu.
UserBlocksUnitTests class modules/user/tests/user.test Test user blocks.
UserSaveTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case to test user_save() behavior.
UserCreateTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test the create user administration page.
UserEditTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case to test user_save() behavior.
UserEditRebuildTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Tests editing a user account with and without a form rebuild.
UserSignatureTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case for user signatures.
UserEditedOwnAccountTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test
UserRoleAdminTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test case to test adding, editing and deleting roles.
UserTokenReplaceTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test user token replacement in strings.
UserUserSearchTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test user search.
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test role assignment.
UserValidateCurrentPassCustomForm class modules/user/tests/user.test Tests user_validate_current_pass on a custom form.
UserEntityCallbacksTestCase class modules/user/tests/user.test Test user entity callbacks.
UserPasswordResetTest class modules/user/tests/user_password_reset.test
UserViewsTestCase class modules/user/tests/user_views.test Tests basic user module integration into views.
views_plugin_argument_default_book_root class modules/book/views/ Default argument plugin to get the current node's book root.
BookTestCase class modules/book/tests/book.test Tests the functionality of the Book module.
ViewsUiCommentViewsWizard class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_comment_views_wizard.php Tests creating comment views with the wizard.
ViewsUiNodeViewsWizard class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_node_views_wizard.php Tests creating node views with the wizard.
ViewsUiTaxonomyTermViewsWizard class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_taxonomy_term_views_wizard.php Tests creating taxonomy views with the wizard.
ViewsWizardException class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_base_views_wizard.php A custom exception class for our errors.
ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_base_views_wizard.php A very generic Views Wizard class - can be constructed for any base table.
ViewsUiUsersViewsWizard class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_users_views_wizard.php Tests creating user views with the wizard.
ViewsUiNodeRevisionViewsWizard class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_node_revision_views_wizard.php Tests creating node revision views with the wizard.
ViewsUiFileManagedViewsWizard class modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_file_managed_views_wizard.php Tests creating managed files views with the wizard.
views_handler_filter_vocabulary class modules/taxonomy/views/ Filter by vocabulary name.
views_plugin_argument_default_taxonomy_tid class modules/taxonomy/views/ Taxonomy tid default argument.
views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth class modules/taxonomy/views/ Argument handler for taxonomy terms with depth.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid class modules/taxonomy/views/ Filter by term id.
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data class modules/taxonomy/views/ Relationship handler to return the taxonomy terms of nodes.
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid_depth class modules/taxonomy/views/ Filter handler for taxonomy terms with depth.
SearchSetLocaleTest class modules/search/tests/search.test Tests searching with locale values set.
AdminBarWebTestCase class modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Base class for all administration bar web test cases.
Updater abstract class includes/ Base class for Updaters used in Backdrop.
UpdaterException class includes/ Exception class for the Updater class hierarchy.
UpdaterFileTransferException class includes/ Child class of UpdaterException that indicates a FileTransfer exception.
Color class includes/ Performs color conversions.
BackdropLocalStreamWrapper abstract class includes/ Backdrop stream wrapper base class for local files.
BackdropPublicStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop public (public://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropPrivateStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop private (private://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropTemporaryStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop temporary (temporary://) stream wrapper class.
AnonymousUser class includes/ Provides a class for managing anonymous users.
BackdropFakeCache class includes/ Defines a stub cache implementation to be used during installation.
BackdropCacheArray abstract class includes/ Provides a caching wrapper to be used in place of large array structures.
SchemaCache class includes/ Extends BackdropCacheArray to allow for dynamic building of the schema cache.
BackdropUpdateException class includes/ @class Exception class used to throw error if a module update fails.
Uuid class includes/ Factory class for UUIDs.
UuidPecl class includes/ UUID implementation using the PECL extension.
UuidCom class includes/ UUID implementation using the Windows internal GUID extension.
