1.20.x translation.views.inc | translation_views_data_alter(&$data) |
Implements hook_views_data_alter().
Add translation information to the node table.
- modules/
translation/ views/ translation.views.inc, line 15 - Provide views data and handlers for translation.module.
function translation_views_data_alter(&$data) {
// Joins
$data['node']['table']['join']['node'] = array(
'left_field' => 'tnid',
'field' => 'tnid',
// The translation ID (nid of the "source" translation)
$data['node']['tnid'] = array(
'group' => t('Content translation'),
'title' => t('Translation set node ID'),
'help' => t('The ID of the translation set the content belongs to.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_field_node',
'click sortable' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_numeric',
'argument' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_argument_node_tnid',
'name field' => 'title', // the field to display in the summary.
'numeric' => TRUE,
'validate type' => 'tnid',
'sort' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_sort',
'relationship' => array(
'title' => t('Source translation'),
'help' => t('The source that this content was translated from.'),
'base' => 'node',
'base field' => 'nid',
'handler' => 'views_handler_relationship',
'label' => t('Source translation'),
// All translations.
$data['node']['translation'] = array(
'group' => t('Content translation'),
'title' => t('Translations'),
'help' => t('Versions of content in different languages.'),
'relationship' => array(
'title' => t('Translations'),
'help' => t('Versions of content in different languages.'),
'base' => 'node',
'base field' => 'tnid',
'relationship table' => 'node',
'relationship field' => 'tnid',
'handler' => 'views_handler_relationship_translation',
'label' => t('Translations'),
// The source translation.
$data['node']['source_translation'] = array(
'group' => t('Content translation'),
'title' => t('Source translation'),
'help' => t('Content that is either untranslated or is the original version of a translation set.'),
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_node_tnid',
// Child translation.
$data['node']['child_translation'] = array(
'group' => t('Node translation'),
'title' => t('Child translation'),
'help' => t('Content that is a translation of a source translation.'),
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_node_tnid_child',
// Translation status
$data['node']['translate'] = array(
'group' => t('Content translation'),
'title' => t('Translation status'),
'help' => t('The translation status of the content - whether or not the translation needs to be updated.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_field_boolean',
'click sortable' => TRUE,
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_boolean_operator',
'label' => t('Outdated'),
'type' => 'yes-no',
'sort' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_sort',
// Translate node link.
$data['node']['translate_node'] = array(
'group' => t('Content translation'),
'title' => t('Translate link'),
'help' => t('Provide a simple link to translate the node.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'views_handler_field_node_link_translate',