1.20.x views.api.php | hook_views_post_build(&$view) |
This hook is called right after the build process. The query is now fully built, but it has not yet been run through db_rewrite_sql.
Adding output to the view can be accomplished by placing text on $view->attachment_before and $view->attachment_after.
$view: The view object about to be processed.
Related topics
- modules/
views/ views.api.php, line 746 - Describe hooks provided by the Views module.
function hook_views_post_build(&$view) {
// If the exposed field 'type' is set, hide the column containing the content
// type. Note that this is a solution for a particular view, and makes
// assumptions about both exposed filter settings and the fields in the view.
// Also note that this alter could be done at any point before the view being
// rendered.
if ($view->name == 'my_view' && isset($view->exposed_raw_input['type']) && $view->exposed_raw_input['type'] != 'All') {
// 'Type' should be interpreted as content type.
if (isset($view->field['type'])) {
$view->field['type']->options['exclude'] = TRUE;