1.20.x form.inc form_process_actions($element, &$form_state)

Processes a form actions container element.


$element: An associative array containing the properties and children of the form actions container.

$form_state: The $form_state array for the form this element belongs to.

Return value

The processed element.:

Related topics


includes/form.inc, line 3541
Functions for form and batch generation and processing.


function form_process_actions($element, &$form_state) {
  $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'form-actions';

  $first_button = NULL;
  $primary_set = FALSE;
  foreach (element_children($element, TRUE) as $key) {
    // Don't add automatic classes to non-buttons.
    if (!isset($element[$key]['#type']) || !in_array($element[$key]['#type'], array('button', 'submit'))) {

    $button = $element[$key];
    if (!$first_button && $button['#type'] === 'submit') {
      $first_button = $key;
    // Record the primary button if found.
    if (isset($button['#attributes']['class']) && in_array('button-primary', $button['#attributes']['class']) && in_array('button-danger', $button['#attributes']['class'])) {
      $primary_set = TRUE;
    // Add the secondary button class otherwise.
    elseif (!isset($button['#attributes']['class']) || !in_array('button-secondary', $button['#attributes']['class'])) {
      $element[$key]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'button-secondary';
  // Add the primary class to the first button found if no others are primary.
  if (!$primary_set && $first_button) {
    $element[$first_button]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'button-primary';
    $element[$first_button]['#attributes']['class'] = array_diff($element[$first_button]['#attributes']['class'], array('button-secondary'));

  return $element;