1.20.x file.inc | backdrop_chmod($uri, $mode = NULL) |
Sets the permissions on a file or directory.
This function will use the 'file_chmod_directory' and 'file_chmod_file' variables for the default modes for directories and uploaded/generated files. By default these will give everyone read access so that users accessing the files with a user account without the webserver group (e.g. via FTP) can read these files, and give group write permissions so webserver group members (e.g. a vhost account) can alter files uploaded and owned by the webserver.
PHP's chmod does not support stream wrappers so we use our wrapper implementation which interfaces with chmod() by default. Contrib wrappers may override this behavior in their implementations as needed.
$uri: A string containing a URI file, or directory path.
$mode: Integer value for the permissions. Consult PHP chmod() documentation for more information.
Return value
TRUE for success, FALSE in the event of an error.:
Related topics
- includes/
file.inc, line 2408 - API for handling file uploads and server file management.
function backdrop_chmod($uri, $mode = NULL) {
if (!isset($mode)) {
if (is_dir($uri)) {
$mode = settings_get('file_chmod_directory', 0775);
else {
$mode = settings_get('file_chmod_file', 0664);
// If this URI is a stream, pass it off to the appropriate stream wrapper.
// Otherwise, attempt PHP's chmod. This allows use of backdrop_chmod even
// for unmanaged files outside of the stream wrapper interface.
if ($wrapper = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_uri($uri)) {
if ($wrapper->chmod($mode)) {
return TRUE;
else {
if (@chmod($uri, $mode)) {
return TRUE;
watchdog('file', 'The file permissions could not be set on %uri.', array('%uri' => $uri), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return FALSE;