Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Type Namespacesort ascending Location Description
UserInterface interface includes/ Defines a common interface for user entities.
BatchQueue class includes/ Defines a batch queue.
BatchMemoryQueue class includes/ Defines a batch queue for non-progressive batches.
BackdropHTTPSystemInterface interface includes/ Defines the BackdropHTTPSystemInterface class interface.
BackdropFakeCache class includes/ Defines a stub cache implementation to be used during installation.
BackdropUpdaterInterface interface includes/ Interface for a class which can update a Backdrop project.
Updater abstract class includes/ Base class for Updaters used in Backdrop.
UpdaterException class includes/ Exception class for the Updater class hierarchy.
UpdaterFileTransferException class includes/ Child class of UpdaterException that indicates a FileTransfer exception.
Color class includes/ Performs color conversions.
MailSystemInterface interface includes/ An interface for pluggable mail back-ends.
ArchiverInterface interface includes/ Defines the common interface for all Archiver classes.
StreamWrapperInterface interface includes/ Generic PHP stream wrapper interface.
BackdropStreamWrapperInterface interface includes/ Backdrop stream wrapper extension.
BackdropLocalStreamWrapper abstract class includes/ Backdrop stream wrapper base class for local files.
BackdropPublicStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop public (public://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropPrivateStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop private (private://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropTemporaryStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop temporary (temporary://) stream wrapper class.
AnonymousUser class includes/ Provides a class for managing anonymous users.
ConfigStorageInterface interface includes/ Defines an interface for configuration storage controllers.
BackdropCacheArray abstract class includes/ Provides a caching wrapper to be used in place of large array structures.
SchemaCache class includes/ Extends BackdropCacheArray to allow for dynamic building of the schema cache.
BackdropUpdateException class includes/ @class Exception class used to throw error if a module update fails.
EvalMathStack class includes/
BackdropCacheInterface interface includes/ Defines an interface for cache implementations.
UuidInterface interface includes/ Interface that defines a UUID backend.
Uuid class includes/ Factory class for UUIDs.
UuidPecl class includes/ UUID implementation using the PECL extension.
UuidCom class includes/ UUID implementation using the Windows internal GUID extension.
UuidPhp class includes/ Generates an UUID v4 using PHP code.
ThemeRegistry class includes/ Builds the run-time theme registry.
ConfigException class includes/ A base exception thrown in any configuration system operations.
ConfigNameException class includes/ Exception thrown when a config object name is invalid.
ConfigValidateException class includes/ Exception thrown when a config object has a validation error before saving.
ConfigStorageException class includes/ Exception thrown by classes implementing ConfigStorageInterface.
ConfigStorageReadException class includes/ Exception thrown when attempting to read a config file fails.
Config class includes/ Defines the default configuration object.
BackdropDateTime class includes/ Extends PHP DateTime class for use with Backdrop.
DiffOp abstract class includes/ @private
DiffOpCopy class includes/ @private
DiffOpDelete class includes/ @private
DiffOpAdd class includes/ @private
DiffOpChange class includes/ @private
DiffEngine class includes/ Class used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs.
Diff class includes/ Class representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings. @private
MappedDiff class includes/ @private
HWLDFWordAccumulator class includes/ @private
WordLevelDiff class includes/ @private
DiffFormatter abstract class includes/ Base class for diff formatters
BackdropDiffFormatter class includes/ Backdrop diff formatter which returns diffs as an array.
