Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Type Namespace Locationsort descending Description
DashboardUpdateBlock class modules/dashboard/includes/
DashboardWelcomeBlock class modules/dashboard/includes/ @file Dashboard block providing a welcome message, and links to get people started using Backdrop.
DashboardLayoutContext class modules/dashboard/includes/ @file Layout context handler for entities.
DashboardTest class modules/dashboard/tests/dashboard.test Tests that the dashboard functions correctly.
DateAPITestCase class modules/date/tests/date_api.test
DateFieldBasic abstract class modules/date/tests/date_field.test @file Basic functions for Date tests.
DateFieldTestCase class modules/date/tests/date_field.test
DateUITestCase class modules/date/tests/date.test
DateThemeTestCase class modules/date/tests/date_themes.test Testing date theme functions to render dates correctly.
DateTimezoneTestCase class modules/date/tests/date_timezone.test
DateValidationTestCase class modules/date/tests/date_validation.test
DateViewsTestCase class modules/date/tests/date_views.test
date_sql_handler class modules/date/views/ A class to manipulate date SQL.
date_views_argument_handler class modules/date/views/
date_views_argument_handler_simple class modules/date/views/
date_views_filter_handler class modules/date/views/ @file A flexible, configurable date filter. This filter combines multiple date filters into a single filter where all fields are controlled by the same date and can be combined with either AND or OR.
date_views_filter_handler_simple class modules/date/views/ @file A standard Views filter for a single date field, using Date API form selectors and sql handling.
date_views_plugin_pager class modules/date/views/ Date views pager plugin.
DBLogTestCase class modules/dblog/tests/dblog.test Tests logging messages to the database.
EmailFieldTestCase class modules/email/tests/email.test Tests e-mail field functionality.
Entity abstract class modules/entity/ Defines a base entity class.
EntityMalformedException class modules/entity/ Defines an exception thrown when a malformed entity is passed.
EntityInterface interface modules/entity/ Defines a common interface for all entity objects.
EntityDatabaseStorageController class modules/entity/ Implements the entity storage controller interface for the database.
EntityStorageControllerInterface interface modules/entity/ Defines a common interface for entity storage controllers.
EntityStorageException class modules/entity/ Defines an exception thrown when storage operations fail.
DefaultEntityController class modules/entity/ Defines a base entity controller class.
EntityControllerInterface interface modules/entity/ Defines a common interface for entity controller classes.
EntityFieldQuery class modules/entity/ Retrieves entities matching a given set of conditions.
EntityFieldQueryException class modules/entity/ Exception thrown by EntityFieldQuery() on unsupported query syntax.
EntityCrudHookTestCase class modules/entity/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.test Tests invocation of hooks when performing an action.
EntityLoadTestCase class modules/entity/tests/entity_crud.test Tests the entity_load() function.
EntityFieldQueryTestCase class modules/entity/tests/entity_query.test Tests EntityFieldQuery.
EntityAPIInfoTestCase class modules/entity/tests/entity.test Tests Entity API base functionality.
EntityAPITestCase class modules/entity/tests/entity.test Tests the basic Entity API.
TestEntity class modules/entity/tests/entity_test/ Test class for the test_entity entity type.
FieldBlock class modules/field/ FieldBlock extends Block
FieldException class modules/field/ Base class for all exceptions thrown by Field API functions.
FieldValidationException class modules/field/ Exception thrown by field_attach_validate() on field validation errors.
FieldUpdateForbiddenException class modules/field/ Exception class thrown by hook_field_update_forbid().
FieldSqlStorageTestCase class modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/tests/field_sql_storage.test Tests field storage.
ListFieldTestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Tests for the 'List' field types.
ListFieldUITestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test List module UI tests.
ListDynamicValuesTestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Sets up a List field for testing allowed values functions.
ListFieldDisplayTestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Tests that formatters are working properly.
ListDynamicValuesValidationTestCase class modules/field/modules/list/tests/list.test Tests the List field allowed values function.
NumberFieldTestCase class modules/field/modules/number/tests/number.test Tests for number field types.
OptionsWidgetsTestCase class modules/field/modules/options/tests/options.test
OptionsSelectDynamicValuesTestCase class modules/field/modules/options/tests/options.test Test an options select on a list field with a dynamic allowed values function.
TextSummaryTestCase class modules/field/modules/text/tests/text.test
