Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Type Namespace Locationsort descending Description
FileTransfer abstract class includes/filetransfer/ @file Base FileTransfer class.
FileTransferFTP abstract class includes/filetransfer/ Base class for FTP implementations.
FileTransferFTPExtension class includes/filetransfer/
FileTransferLocal class includes/filetransfer/ The local connection class for copying files as the httpd user.
FileTransferSSH class includes/filetransfer/ The SSH connection class for the update module.
BackdropHTTPSystemInterface interface includes/ Defines the BackdropHTTPSystemInterface class interface.
DatabaseTaskException class includes/ Exception thrown if the database installer fails.
DatabaseTasks abstract class includes/ Database installer structure.
MailSystemInterface interface includes/ An interface for pluggable mail back-ends.
PagerDefault class includes/ Query extender for pager queries.
BackdropTemporaryStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop temporary (temporary://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropPrivateStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop private (private://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropPublicStreamWrapper class includes/ Backdrop public (public://) stream wrapper class.
BackdropLocalStreamWrapper abstract class includes/ Backdrop stream wrapper base class for local files.
BackdropStreamWrapperInterface interface includes/ Backdrop stream wrapper extension.
StreamWrapperInterface interface includes/ Generic PHP stream wrapper interface.
TableSort class includes/ Query extender class for tablesort queries.
ThemeRegistry class includes/ Builds the run-time theme registry.
BackdropUpdateException class includes/ @class Exception class used to throw error if a module update fails.
BackdropUpdaterInterface interface includes/ Interface for a class which can update a Backdrop project.
UpdaterFileTransferException class includes/ Child class of UpdaterException that indicates a FileTransfer exception.
UpdaterException class includes/ Exception class for the Updater class hierarchy.
Updater abstract class includes/ Base class for Updaters used in Backdrop.
UserInterface interface includes/ Defines a common interface for user entities.
UuidCom class includes/ UUID implementation using the Windows internal GUID extension.
UuidPhp class includes/ Generates an UUID v4 using PHP code.
UuidPecl class includes/ UUID implementation using the PECL extension.
Uuid class includes/ Factory class for UUIDs.
UuidInterface interface includes/ Interface that defines a UUID backend.
AdminBarLinkTypesTestCase class modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests appearance of different types of links.
AdminBarWebTestCase class modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Base class for all administration bar web test cases.
AdminBarDynamicLinksTestCase class modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests appearance, localization, and escaping of dynamic links.
AdminBarPermissionsTestCase class modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests menu links depending on user permissions.
AdminBarCustomizedTestCase class modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test Tests customized menu links.
BlockTestCase class modules/block/tests/block.test
BlockTranslationTestCase class modules/block/tests/block.translation.test
BookTestCase class modules/book/tests/book.test Tests the functionality of the Book module.
views_plugin_argument_default_book_root class modules/book/views/ Default argument plugin to get the current node's book root.
CKEditorRtlTestCase class modules/ckeditor/tests/ckeditor_rtl.test CKEditor testing class specific for right-to-left languages.
CKEditorTestCase class modules/ckeditor/tests/ckeditor.test
ColorTestCase class modules/color/tests/color.test Tests the Color module functionality.
CommentStorageController class modules/comment/ Defines the controller class for comments.
Comment class modules/comment/ Defines the comment entity class.
CommentHelperCase class modules/comment/tests/comment.test
CommentPreviewTest class modules/comment/tests/comment.test Tests previewing comments.
CommentAnonymous class modules/comment/tests/comment.test Tests anonymous commenting.
CommentPagerTest class modules/comment/tests/comment.test Verifies pagination of comments.
CommentBlockFunctionalTest class modules/comment/tests/comment.test Tests the Comment module blocks.
CommentRSSUnitTest class modules/comment/tests/comment.test Unit tests for Comment module integration with RSS feeds.
CommentInterfaceTest class modules/comment/tests/comment.test
