BackdropWebTestCase::setUp in modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
comment_tokens in modules/comment/
Implements hook_tokens().
CommonBackdropRenderTestCase::testBackdropRenderCache in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests caching of render items.
CommonFormatDateTestCase::testFormatDate in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests for the format_date() function.
ContactPersonalTestCase::testPersonalContactAccess in modules/contact/tests/contact.test
Tests access to the personal contact form.
EntityCrudHookTestCase::testUserHooks in modules/entity/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.test
Tests hook invocations for CRUD operations on users.
file_manage_form in modules/file/
Page callback: Form constructor for the file manage form.
file_manage_form_submit in modules/file/
Form submission handler for the 'Save' button for file_manage_form().
hook_block_view in modules/layout/layout.api.php
Return a rendered or renderable view of a block.
hook_file_copy in modules/system/system.api.php
Respond to a file that has been copied.
hook_file_move in modules/system/system.api.php
Respond to a file that has been moved.
hook_file_update in modules/system/system.api.php
Respond to a file being updated.
hook_tokens in modules/system/system.api.php
Provide replacement values for placeholder tokens.
install_configure_form_submit in includes/
Form submission handler for install_configure_form().
layout_locked_message in modules/layout/
Prepare a message and link based on if a layout item is updated or locked.
LayoutRelationshipAuthorFromNode::getContext in modules/layout/plugins/relationships/
Get the context from this relationship.
node_feed in modules/node/node.module
Page callback: Generates and prints an RSS feed.
node_preview in modules/node/
Generates a node preview.
node_tokens in modules/node/
Implements hook_tokens().
NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypePermissions in modules/node/tests/node.test
Tests that node types permissions are correctly set from the Node Type UI.
StandardInstallTestCase::testRolesExist in modules/simpletest/tests/standard.test
Tests existence of test case located in an installation profile module.
system_tokens in modules/system/
Implements hook_tokens().
TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testVocabularyPermissions in modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
Tests that vocabulary permissions are correctly set from the Taxonomy UI.
template_preprocess_file_entity in modules/file/file.module
Process variables for file.tpl.php
theme_node_recent_content in modules/node/
Returns HTML for a recent node to be displayed in the recent content block.
TokenUserTestCase::testUserTokens in modules/simpletest/tests/token.test
UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testUpdateAccess in modules/system/tests/system.test
Tests access to the update script.
url_alter_test_url_outbound_alter in modules/simpletest/tests/url_alter_test.module
Implements hook_url_outbound_alter().
UserAdminTestCase::testUserAdmin in modules/user/tests/user.test
Registers a user and deletes it.
user_cancel in modules/user/user.module
Cancel a user account.
UserCancelTestCase::testMassUserCancelByAdmin in modules/user/tests/user.test
Create an administrative user and mass-delete other users.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserAnonymize in modules/user/tests/user.test
Delete account and anonymize all content.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserBlock in modules/user/tests/user.test
Disable account and keep all content.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserBlockUnpublish in modules/user/tests/user.test
Disable account and unpublish all content.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserCancelByAdmin in modules/user/tests/user.test
Create an administrative user and delete another user.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserCancelInvalid in modules/user/tests/user.test
Attempt invalid account cancellations.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserCancelUid1 in modules/user/tests/user.test
Tests that user account for uid 1 cannot be cancelled.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserCancelWithoutPermission in modules/user/tests/user.test
Attempt to cancel account without permission.
UserCancelTestCase::testUserDelete in modules/user/tests/user.test
Delete account and remove all content.
user_login_submit in modules/user/user.module
Submit handler for the login form. Load $user object and perform standard login tasks. The user is then redirected to the My Account page. Setting the destination in the query string overrides the redirect.
UserLoginTestCase::testPasswordRehashOnLogin in modules/user/tests/user.test
Test that user password is re-hashed upon login after changing $count_log2.
user_multiple_cancel_confirm_submit in modules/user/
Submit handler for mass-account cancellation form.
user_pass_reset in modules/user/
Menu callback; process one time login link and redirects to the user page on success.
UserPasswordResetTest::setUp in modules/user/tests/user_password_reset.test
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
UserPasswordResetTest::testResetImpersonation in modules/user/tests/user_password_reset.test
Make sure that users cannot forge password reset URLs of other users.
UserPasswordResetTest::testUserPasswordReset in modules/user/tests/user_password_reset.test
Tests password reset functionality.
UserPictureTestCase::saveUserPicture in modules/user/tests/user.test
UserPictureTestCase::testDeletePicture in modules/user/tests/user.test
Tests deletion of user pictures.
UserPictureTestCase::testPictureIsValid in modules/user/tests/user.test
Do the test: Picture is valid (proper size and dimension)
UserRolesAssignmentTestCase::userLoadAndCheckRoleAssigned in modules/user/tests/user.test
Check role on user object.
UserSaveTestCase::testUserImport in modules/user/tests/user.test
Test creating a user with arbitrary uid.
UserTokenReplaceTestCase::testUserTokenReplacement in modules/user/tests/user.test
Creates a user, then tests the tokens generated from it.
user_tokens in modules/user/
Implements hook_tokens().
user_uid_optional_load in modules/user/user.module
Load either a specified or the current user account.
UserViewsTestCase::setUp in modules/user/tests/user_views.test
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
views_handler_field_contact_link::render_link in modules/contact/views/
views_ui_break_lock_confirm in modules/views_ui/
Page to delete a view.
views_ui_edit_form in modules/views_ui/
Form builder callback for configuring a View.