taxonomy_autocomplete_validate in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Form element validate handler for taxonomy term autocomplete element.
taxonomy_field_extra_fields in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
taxonomy_form_term in modules/taxonomy/
Form function for the term edit form.
TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest::testNodeTermLanguageCreation in modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
Test term creation with a free-tagging vocabulary from the node form.
TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest::testVocabularyLanguageInterface in modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
Create, configure and delete a vocabulary via the user interface.
taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/taxonomy/
Form builder for the taxonomy terms overview.
theme_taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/taxonomy/
Returns HTML for a terms overview form as a sortable list of terms.