Block::__construct in modules/layout/includes/
Create a new Block object.
block_custom_block_form in modules/block/block.module
Form constructor for the custom block form.
Block::form in modules/layout/includes/
Build the settings form for editing this block.
BlockLegacy::getTitle in modules/layout/includes/
Return the title of a block as configured in the layout.
FieldBlock::form in modules/field/
Builds the block's configuration form.
FieldBlock::getTitle in modules/field/
Sets block subject on block view.
Layout::__construct in modules/layout/includes/
Constructor for a Layout class.
layout_get_title_description in modules/layout/layout.module
Gets the title description for the current layout.
LayoutInterfaceTest::testBlockBasics in modules/layout/tests/layout.test
Add and remove blocks from a custom layout path.
layout_title_settings_form in modules/layout/
Form callback; Configure layout title type.
NodeBlock::form in modules/node/
Builds the block's settings configuration form.
NodeBlock::formSubmit in modules/node/
Submit handler to save the form settings.
NodeBlock::getTitle in modules/node/
Sets block subject on block view.
ViewsBlock::getTitle in modules/views/includes/
Return the title of a block as configured in the layout.