- <?php
- * @file
- * Defines numeric field types.
- */
- * Implements hook_field_info().
- */
- function number_field_info() {
- return array(
- 'number_integer' => array(
- 'label' => t('Number (integer)'),
- 'description' => t('This field stores a number in the database as an integer.'),
- 'instance_settings' => array('min' => '', 'max' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => ''),
- 'default_widget' => 'number',
- 'default_formatter' => 'number_integer',
- 'default_token_formatter' => 'number_unformatted',
- ),
- 'number_decimal' => array(
- 'label' => t('Number (decimal)'),
- 'description' => t('This field stores a number in the database in a fixed decimal format.'),
- 'settings' => array('precision' => 10, 'scale' => 2),
- 'instance_settings' => array('min' => '', 'max' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => ''),
- 'default_widget' => 'number',
- 'default_formatter' => 'number_decimal',
- 'default_token_formatter' => 'number_unformatted',
- ),
- 'number_float' => array(
- 'label' => t('Number (float)'),
- 'description' => t('This field stores a number in the database in a floating point format.'),
- 'instance_settings' => array('min' => '', 'max' => '', 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => ''),
- 'default_widget' => 'number',
- 'default_formatter' => 'number_decimal',
- 'default_token_formatter' => 'number_unformatted',
- ),
- );
- }
- * Implements hook_field_settings_form().
- */
- function number_field_settings_form($field, $instance, $has_data) {
- $settings = $field['settings'];
- $form = array();
- if ($field['type'] == 'number_decimal') {
- $form['precision'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Precision'),
- '#options' => backdrop_map_assoc(range(10, 32)),
- '#default_value' => $settings['precision'],
- '#description' => t('The total number of digits to store in the database, including those to the right of the decimal.'),
- '#disabled' => $has_data,
- );
- $form['scale'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Scale'),
- '#options' => backdrop_map_assoc(range(0, 10)),
- '#default_value' => $settings['scale'],
- '#description' => t('The number of digits to the right of the decimal.'),
- '#disabled' => $has_data,
- );
- }
- return $form;
- }
- * Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form().
- */
- function number_field_instance_settings_form($field, $instance) {
- $settings = $instance['settings'];
- $form['min'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Minimum'),
- '#default_value' => $settings['min'],
- '#description' => t('The minimum value that should be allowed in this field. Leave blank for no minimum.'),
- '#element_validate' => array('form_validate_number'),
- );
- $form['max'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Maximum'),
- '#default_value' => $settings['max'],
- '#description' => t('The maximum value that should be allowed in this field. Leave blank for no maximum.'),
- '#element_validate' => array('form_validate_number'),
- );
- $form['prefix'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Prefix'),
- '#default_value' => $settings['prefix'],
- '#size' => 60,
- '#description' => t("Define a string that should be prefixed to the value, like '$ ' or '€ '. Leave blank for none. Separate singular and plural values with a pipe ('pound|pounds')."),
- );
- $form['suffix'] = array(
- '#type' => 'textfield',
- '#title' => t('Suffix'),
- '#default_value' => $settings['suffix'],
- '#size' => 60,
- '#description' => t("Define a string that should be suffixed to the value, like ' m', ' kb/s'. Leave blank for none. Separate singular and plural values with a pipe ('pound|pounds')."),
- );
- $form['#element_validate'] = array('number_field_instance_settings_form_validate');
- return $form;
- }
- * Form validation handler for number_field_instance_settings_form().
- *
- * Make sure the maximum setting is greater than or equal to the minimum
- * setting.
- */
- function number_field_instance_settings_form_validate($element, &$form_state, $form) {
- $max = $element['max'];
- $min = $element['min'];
- if (!empty($max['#value']) && $max['#value'] < $min['#value']) {
- form_error($max, t('%max must be greater than, or equal to, %min.', array(
- '%max' => $max['#title'],
- '%min' => $min['#title'],
- )));
- }
- }
- * Implements hook_field_validate().
- *
- * Possible error codes:
- * - 'number_min': The value is less than the allowed minimum value.
- * - 'number_max': The value is greater than the allowed maximum value.
- */
- function number_field_validate($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, &$errors) {
- foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
- if ($item['value'] != '') {
- if (is_numeric($instance['settings']['min']) && $item['value'] < $instance['settings']['min']) {
- $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
- 'error' => 'number_min',
- 'message' => t('%name: the value may be no less than %min.', array('%name' => $instance['label'], '%min' => $instance['settings']['min'])),
- );
- }
- if (is_numeric($instance['settings']['max']) && $item['value'] > $instance['settings']['max']) {
- $errors[$field['field_name']][$langcode][$delta][] = array(
- 'error' => 'number_max',
- 'message' => t('%name: the value may be no greater than %max.', array('%name' => $instance['label'], '%max' => $instance['settings']['max'])),
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Implements hook_field_presave().
- */
- function number_field_presave($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, &$items) {
- if ($field['type'] == 'number_decimal') {
- foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
- if (isset($item['value'])) {
- $items[$delta]['value'] = round($item['value'], $field['settings']['scale']);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($field['type'] == 'number_float') {
- foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
- if (isset($item['value'])) {
- $items[$delta]['value'] = floatval($item['value']);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Implements hook_field_is_empty().
- */
- function number_field_is_empty($item, $field) {
- if (empty($item['value']) && (string) $item['value'] !== '0') {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- * Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
- */
- function number_field_formatter_info() {
- return array(
- 'number_integer' => array(
- 'label' => t('Default'),
- 'field types' => array('number_integer'),
- 'settings' => array(
- 'thousand_separator' => '',
- 'decimal_separator' => '.',
- 'scale' => 0,
- 'prefix_suffix' => TRUE,
- ),
- ),
- 'number_decimal' => array(
- 'label' => t('Default'),
- 'field types' => array('number_decimal', 'number_float'),
- 'settings' => array(
- 'thousand_separator' => '',
- 'decimal_separator' => '.',
- 'scale' => 2,
- 'prefix_suffix' => TRUE,
- ),
- ),
- 'number_unformatted' => array(
- 'label' => t('Unformatted'),
- 'field types' => array('number_integer', 'number_decimal', 'number_float'),
- ),
- );
- }
- * Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
- */
- function number_field_formatter_settings_form($field, $instance, $view_mode, $form, &$form_state) {
- $display = $instance['display'][$view_mode];
- $settings = $display['settings'];
- $element = array();
- if ($display['type'] == 'number_decimal' || $display['type'] == 'number_integer') {
- $options = array(
- '' => t('<none>'),
- '.' => t('Decimal point'),
- ',' => t('Comma'),
- ' ' => t('Space'),
- );
- $element['thousand_separator'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Thousand marker'),
- '#options' => $options,
- '#default_value' => $settings['thousand_separator'],
- );
- if ($display['type'] == 'number_decimal') {
- $element['decimal_separator'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Decimal marker'),
- '#options' => array('.' => t('Decimal point'), ',' => t('Comma')),
- '#default_value' => $settings['decimal_separator'],
- );
- $element['scale'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Scale'),
- '#options' => backdrop_map_assoc(range(0, 10)),
- '#default_value' => $settings['scale'],
- '#description' => t('The number of digits to the right of the decimal.'),
- );
- }
- $element['prefix_suffix'] = array(
- '#type' => 'checkbox',
- '#title' => t('Display prefix and suffix.'),
- '#default_value' => $settings['prefix_suffix'],
- );
- }
- return $element;
- }
- * Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
- */
- function number_field_formatter_settings_summary($field, $instance, $view_mode) {
- $display = $instance['display'][$view_mode];
- $settings = $display['settings'];
- $summary = array();
- if ($display['type'] == 'number_decimal' || $display['type'] == 'number_integer') {
- $summary[] = number_format(1234.1234567890, $settings['scale'], $settings['decimal_separator'], $settings['thousand_separator']);
- if ($settings['prefix_suffix']) {
- $summary[] = t('Display with prefix and suffix.');
- }
- }
- return implode('<br />', $summary);
- }
- * Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
- */
- function number_field_formatter_view($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $display) {
- $element = array();
- $settings = $display['settings'];
- switch ($display['type']) {
- case 'number_integer':
- case 'number_decimal':
- foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
- $output = number_format($item['value'], $settings['scale'], $settings['decimal_separator'], $settings['thousand_separator']);
- if ($settings['prefix_suffix']) {
- $prefixes = isset($instance['settings']['prefix']) ? array_map('field_filter_xss', explode('|', $instance['settings']['prefix'])) : array('');
- $suffixes = isset($instance['settings']['suffix']) ? array_map('field_filter_xss', explode('|', $instance['settings']['suffix'])) : array('');
- $prefix = (count($prefixes) > 1) ? format_plural($item['value'], $prefixes[0], $prefixes[1]) : $prefixes[0];
- $suffix = (count($suffixes) > 1) ? format_plural($item['value'], $suffixes[0], $suffixes[1]) : $suffixes[0];
- $output = $prefix . $output . $suffix;
- }
- $element[$delta] = array('#markup' => $output);
- }
- break;
- case 'number_unformatted':
- foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
- $element[$delta] = array('#markup' => $item['value']);
- }
- break;
- }
- return $element;
- }
- * Implements hook_field_widget_info().
- */
- function number_field_widget_info() {
- return array(
- 'number' => array(
- 'label' => t('Text field'),
- 'field types' => array('number_integer', 'number_decimal', 'number_float'),
- ),
- );
- }
- * Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- */
- function number_field_widget_form(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {
- $value = isset($items[$delta]['value']) ? $items[$delta]['value'] : '';
- $element += array(
- '#type' => 'number',
- '#default_value' => $value,
- '#max' => 1000000,
- );
- switch ($field['type']) {
- case 'number_decimal':
- $scale = (int) $field['settings']['scale'];
- $element['#step'] = 1 / pow(10, $scale);
- break;
- case 'number_float':
- $element['#step'] = 'any';
- break;
- }
- if (is_numeric($instance['settings']['min'])) {
- $element['#min'] = $instance['settings']['min'];
- }
- if (is_numeric($instance['settings']['max'])) {
- $element['#max'] = $instance['settings']['max'];
- }
- if (!empty($instance['settings']['prefix'])) {
- $prefixes = explode('|', $instance['settings']['prefix']);
- $element['#field_prefix'] = field_filter_xss(array_pop($prefixes));
- }
- if (!empty($instance['settings']['suffix'])) {
- $suffixes = explode('|', $instance['settings']['suffix']);
- $element['#field_suffix'] = field_filter_xss(array_pop($suffixes));
- }
- return array('value' => $element);
- }
- * Implements hook_field_widget_error().
- */
- function number_field_widget_error($element, $error, $form, &$form_state) {
- form_error($element['value'], $error['message']);
- }