FileValidatorTest::testFileValidateImageResolution in modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
This ensures the resolution of a specific file is within bounds. The image will be resized if it's too large.
image_get_info in includes/
Gets details about an image.
image_load in includes/
Loads an image file and returns an image object.
system_image_toolkit_settings in modules/system/
Form builder; Configure site image toolkit usage.
UserPictureTestCase::testWithGDinvalidDimension in modules/user/tests/user.test
Do the test: GD Toolkit is installed Picture has invalid dimension
UserPictureTestCase::testWithGDinvalidSize in modules/user/tests/user.test
Do the test: GD Toolkit is installed Picture has invalid size
UserPictureTestCase::testWithoutGDinvalidDimension in modules/user/tests/user.test
Do the test: GD Toolkit is not installed Picture has invalid size
UserPictureTestCase::testWithoutGDinvalidSize in modules/user/tests/user.test
Do the test: GD Toolkit is not installed Picture has invalid size