backdrop_process_form in includes/
Processes a form submission.
comment_preview in modules/comment/comment.module
Generates a comment preview.
date_field_validate in modules/date/
Implements hook_field_validate().
filter_admin_format_filter_settings_form_ajax in modules/filter/
Ajax handler: Opens the dialog to configure a text format filter.
filter_format_editor_dialog_save in modules/filter/
Form AJAX callback. Sends the save editor AJAX command and closes the dialog.
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::formSubmitHelper in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Helper function for the option check test to submit a form while collecting errors.
FormsProgrammaticTestCase::submitForm in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Helper function used to programmatically submit the form defined in form_test.module with the given values.
FormsTestCase::testRequiredFields in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Check several empty values for required forms elements.
installer_manager_install_modal_callback in modules/installer/
AJAX callback to update the add/remove queue on bulk add.
install_run_task in includes/
Runs an individual installation task.
layout_ajax_form_open_dialog in modules/layout/
AJAX handler that opens a form in a dialog.
layout_ajax_form_save_dialog in modules/layout/
AJAX handler that saves a form in a dialog and updates the underlying form.
layout_ajax_form_save_title_dialog in modules/layout/
layout_block_configure_ajax_update in modules/layout/
AJAX callback to update the underlying layout form after updating a block.
layout_flexible_template_edit_row_ajax in modules/layout/
AJAX callback on the submit button for editing a layout row.
node_form in modules/node/
Form constructor for the node add/edit form.
node_preview_banner_form_node_submit in modules/node/
Submit handler for the node preview banner form.
options_field_instance_settings_validate in modules/field/modules/options/options.module
Form #validate callback for field_ui_field_edit_form().
options_field_settings_validate in modules/field/modules/options/options.module
Form #validate callback for Field UI forms that use an options element.
redirect_edit_form in modules/redirect/
Form builder to add or edit an URL redirect.
SystemConfigFormCase::testConfigForm in modules/simpletest/tests/
Submit the system_config_form and then test the configuration has the expected values.
system_settings_form in modules/system/system.module
Sets up a form to save information automatically.
theme_taxonomy_overview_terms in modules/taxonomy/
Returns HTML for a terms overview form as a sortable list of terms.
views_ui_config_item_form_validate in modules/views_ui/
Submit handler for configing new item(s) to a view.
views_ui_edit_display_form_validate in modules/views_ui/
Validate handler for views_ui_edit_display_form