File::__construct in modules/file/
Constructor for file entities.
file_file_presave in modules/file/
Implements hook_file_presave().
FileMimeTypeTest::testFileMimeTypeDetection in modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
Test mapping of mimetypes from filenames.
file_module_test_file_download in modules/file/tests/file_module_test/file_module_test.module
Implements hook_file_download().
file_save_upload in includes/
Saves a file upload to a new location.
FileUnitTestCase::testMimeTypeMappings in modules/file/tests/file.test
Regression tests for core issue
system_site_information_settings_submit in modules/system/
Form submission handler for system_site_information_settings().
system_update_1022 in modules/system/system.install
Converts theme logo and shortcut settings to site-wide config.
theme_file_download_link in modules/file/
Copy of theme_file_link() for linking to the file download URL.
theme_file_link in modules/file/
Returns HTML for a link to a file.