authorize.php in ./authorize.php
Administrative script for running authorized file operations.
backdrop_pre_render_link in includes/
Pre-render callback: Renders a link into #markup.
block_custom_block_form in modules/block/block.module
Form constructor for the custom block form.
BlockTestCase::testCustomBlock in modules/block/tests/block.test
Test creating custom block, editing, and then deleting it.
BlockText::form in modules/layout/includes/
Builds the block's configuration form.
BlockTranslationTestCase::testTranslateCustomBlock in modules/block/tests/block.translation.test
Test creating custom block, translate it, and then deleting it.
book_admin_edit_submit in modules/book/
Form submission handler for book_admin_edit().
book_admin_overview in modules/book/
Returns an administrative overview of all books.
book_block_view in modules/book/book.module
Implements hook_block_view().
book_render in modules/book/
Menu callback: Prints a listing of all books.
comment_form_submit in modules/comment/comment.module
Form submission handler for comment_form().
comment_reply in modules/comment/
Form constructor for the comment reply form.
common_test_init in modules/simpletest/tests/common_test.module
Implements hook_init().
CommonURLWebTestCase::testLActiveClass in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
CommonURLWebTestCase::testLCustomClass in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests for custom class in l() function.
CommonURLWebTestCase::testLXSS in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Confirm that invalid text given as $path is filtered.
contact_category_edit_form_submit in modules/contact/
Form submission handler for contact_category_edit_form().
dashboard_admin_settings in modules/dashboard/dashboard.module
Menu callback; Dashboard settings form.
DashboardCreateBlock::getContent in modules/dashboard/includes/
Return the content of a block.
DashboardNewsBlock::getContent in modules/dashboard/includes/
Return the content of a block.
DashboardWelcomeBlock::filterAvailableLinks in modules/dashboard/includes/
Checks access to paths and returns an HTML list of links.
_date_field_instance_settings_form in modules/date/
Helper function for date_field_instance_settings_form().
date-views-pager.tpl.php in modules/date/templates/date-views-pager.tpl.php
Template to display the Views date pager.
dblog_event in modules/dblog/
Page callback: Displays details about a specific database log message.
dblog_format_message in modules/dblog/
Returns HTML for a log message.
element_validate_integer in includes/
This function has been removed with the inclusion of support for HTML5 number elements. See
element_validate_integer_positive in includes/
This function has been removed with the inclusion of support for HTML5 number elements. See
element_validate_number in includes/
This function has been removed with the inclusion of support for HTML5 number elements. See
email_field_formatter_view in modules/email/email.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
field_ui_view_mode_form in modules/field_ui/
Form builder: Add or edit a display mode name.
file_entity_access in modules/file/file.module
Deprecated wrapper function. Determines if a user may perform the given operation on the specified file.
file_multiple_delete_confirm in modules/file/
Multiple file deletion confirmation form.
_file_usage_list_links in modules/file/
Build a list of links to content that references a file.
file_usage_page in modules/file/
Page callback to show file usage information.
filter_format_editor_link_form in modules/filter/
Form callback: Display a form for inserting/editing a link or uploading a file.
filter_permission in modules/filter/filter.module
Implements hook_permission().
hook_file_view in modules/file/file.api.php
Add to files as they are viewed.
hook_file_view_alter in modules/file/file.api.php
Alter files as they are viewed.
hook_requirements in modules/system/system.api.php
Check installation requirements and do status reporting.
hook_view in modules/node/node.api.php
Display a node.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::_testImageFieldFormatters in modules/image/tests/image.test
Test image formatters on node display.
image_field_instance_settings_form in modules/image/
Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form().
image_field_settings_form in modules/image/
Implements hook_field_settings_form().
image_style_path_token in modules/image/image.module
This function was never included in Backdrop. See:
installer_browser_get_destination_after_install in modules/installer/
Determines the form destination after installed projects.
installer_browser_get_sort_widget in modules/installer/
Returns a themed sort widget for the filters.
installer_browser_installation_enable_form in modules/installer/
Form builder for the select versions form.
installer_browser_installation_select_versions_form in modules/installer/
Form builder for the select versions form.
installer_browser_installation_theme_form in modules/installer/
Form builder for theme install.
installer_manager_update_form in modules/installer/
Form constructor for the update form of the Installer module.
layout_block_add_page in modules/layout/
Menu callback; Display a list of blocks to be added to a layout.
layout_block_list in modules/layout/
Menu callback; Lists all blocks and their modules.
layout_list_page in modules/layout/
Output a list of pages that are managed.
LayoutUpdater::postInstallTasks in modules/system/
Return an array of links to pages that should be visited post operation.
LinkTokenTest::testStaticTokenLinkCreate in modules/link/tests/link.token.test
Creates a link field with a static title and an admin-entered token. Creates a node with a link and checks the title value.
LinkTokenTest::testUserTokenLinkCreate in modules/link/tests/link.token.test
Creates a link field with a required title enabled for user-entered tokens. Creates a node with a token in the link title and checks the value.
LinkUITest::testStaticLinkCreate in modules/link/tests/link.ui.test
Testing that if you use <strong> in a static title for your link, that the title actually displays <strong>.
menu_edit_item in modules/menu/
Menu callback; Build the menu link editing form.
menu_get_active_breadcrumb in includes/
Gets the breadcrumb for the current page, as determined by the active trail.
_menu_overview_tree_form in modules/menu/
Recursive helper function for menu_overview_form().
_menu_site_status in includes/
Checks whether the site is in maintenance mode.
ModuleUpdater::postInstallTasks in modules/system/
List of post install actions.
NodeBlock::getTitle in modules/node/
Sets block subject on block view.
node_form_submit in modules/node/
Form submission handler that saves the node for node_form().
_node_mass_update_batch_process in modules/node/
Executes a batch operation for node_mass_update().
node_page_default in modules/node/node.module
Menu callback; Generate a listing of promoted nodes.
node_requirements in modules/node/node.module
Implements hook_requirements().
node_revision_overview in modules/node/
Page callback: Generates an overview table of older revisions of a node.
node_title_list in modules/node/node.module
Gathers a listing of links to nodes.
node_type_form_submit in modules/node/
Form submission handler for node_type_form().
path_admin_overview in modules/path/
Returns a listing of all defined URL aliases.
path_form_element in modules/path/path.module
Return a portion of a form for setting an alias on an entity.
redirect_404_list in modules/redirect/
Form callback; Display a list of all recent 404 pages.
redirect_element_validate_source in modules/redirect/
Element validate handler; validate the source of an URL redirect.
redirect_handler_field_redirect_link_delete::render in modules/redirect/views/
Render the field.
redirect_handler_field_redirect_link_edit::render in modules/redirect/views/
Render the field.
redirect_list_form in modules/redirect/
Form callback; Display the list of all redirects.
redirect_list_table in modules/redirect/
Display a list of redirects. Used on forms when editing an entity.
SearchConfigSettingsForm::setUp in modules/search/tests/search.test
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
SearchRankingTestCase::testHTMLRankings in modules/search/tests/search.test
Test rankings of HTML tags.
search_view in modules/search/
Menu callback; presents the search form and/or search results.
seven_admin_block_content in themes/seven/template.php
Overrides theme_admin_block_content().
seven_node_add_list in themes/seven/template.php
Overrides theme_node_add_list().
syslog_form_system_logging_settings_alter in modules/syslog/syslog.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
system_admin_drivers_page in modules/system/
_system_check_db_utf8mb4_requirements in modules/system/system.install
Checks whether the requirements for multi-byte UTF-8 support are met.
system_header_block_form in modules/system/system.module
Settings form for the header block.
system_menu_block_form in modules/system/
Returns the configuration form for a menu tree.
system_transliteration_retroactive in modules/system/
Form builder function; generates retroactive transliteration confirm form.
tablesort_header in includes/
Formats a column header.
taxonomy_form_term_submit in modules/taxonomy/
Submit handler to insert or update a term.
taxonomy_form_vocabulary_submit in modules/taxonomy/
Form submission handler for taxonomy_form_vocabulary().
TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase::testTaxonomyTermHierarchyBreadcrumbs in modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
Tests that there is a link to the parent term on the child term page.
taxonomy_term_page in modules/taxonomy/
Menu callback; displays all nodes associated with a term.
template_preprocess_comment in modules/comment/
Preprocesses variables for comment.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_installer_browser_project in modules/installer/
Add some variables for the project theme.
template_preprocess_installer_browser_project_dialog in modules/installer/
Add some variables for the project details dialog.
template_preprocess_user_picture in modules/user/
Process variables for user-picture.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_views_view_table in modules/views/templates/
Display a view as a table style.
theme_admin_bar_links in modules/admin_bar/
Render a themed list of links.
theme_admin_block_content in modules/system/
Returns HTML for the content of an administrative block.
theme_color_preview in modules/color/
Returns HTML for a theme's color preview.
theme_comment_block in modules/comment/
Returns HTML for a list of recent comments.
theme_date_nav_title in modules/date/
Theme the calendar title.
theme_feed_icon in includes/
Returns HTML for a feed icon.
theme_file_download_link in modules/file/
Copy of theme_file_link() for linking to the file download URL.
theme_file_link in modules/file/
Returns HTML for a link to a file.
theme_filter_tips_more_info in modules/filter/
Returns HTML for a link to the more extensive filter tips.
theme_image_formatter in modules/image/
Returns HTML for an image field formatter.
theme_image_style_preview in modules/image/
Returns HTML for a preview of an image style.
theme_layout_info in modules/layout/
Outputs information about a layout. Used in the layout listing page.
theme_link in includes/
Returns HTML for a link.
theme_link_formatter_link_default in modules/link/
Formats a link.
theme_link_formatter_link_domain in modules/link/
Formats a link using the URL's domain for it's link text.
theme_link_formatter_link_label in modules/link/
Formats a link using the field's label as link text.
theme_link_formatter_link_separate in modules/link/
Formats a link as separate title and URL elements.
theme_link_formatter_link_short in modules/link/
Formats a link using "Link" as the link text.
theme_link_formatter_link_url in modules/link/
Formats a link using an alternate display URL for its link text.
theme_links in includes/
Returns HTML for a set of links.
theme_menu_link in includes/
Returns HTML for a menu link and submenu.
theme_menu_local_action in includes/
Returns HTML for a single local action link.
theme_menu_local_task in includes/
Returns HTML for a single local task link.
theme_more_help_link in includes/
Returns HTML for a "more help" link.
theme_more_link in includes/
Returns HTML for a "more" link, like those used in blocks.
theme_node_add_list in modules/node/
Returns HTML for a list of available node types for node creation.
theme_node_recent_block in modules/node/
Returns HTML for a list of recent content.
theme_node_recent_content in modules/node/
Returns HTML for a recent node to be displayed in the recent content block.
theme_token_tree_link in modules/system/
Theme a link to a token tree either as a regular link or a dialog.
theme_update_last_check in modules/update/
Returns HTML for the last time we checked for update data.
theme_update_report in modules/update/
Returns HTML for the project status report.
ThemeUpdater::postInstallTasks in modules/system/
Return an array of links to pages that should be visited post operation.
theme_update_version in modules/update/
Returns HTML for the version display of a project.
theme_username in modules/user/
Returns HTML for a username, potentially linked to the user's page.
theme_views_ui_build_group_filter_form in modules/views_ui/
Theme the build group filter form.
theme_views_ui_rearrange_filter_form in modules/views_ui/
Turn the rearrange form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_rearrange_form in modules/views_ui/
Turn the rearrange form into a proper table
theme_views_ui_reorder_displays_form in modules/views_ui/
Turn the reorder form into a proper table
translation_node_overview in modules/translation/
Page callback: Displays a list of a node's translations.
UpdateCoreTestCase::testNormalUpdateAvailable in modules/update/tests/update.test
Tests the Update Manager module when one normal update is available.
UpdateCoreTestCase::testSecurityUpdateAvailable in modules/update/tests/update.test
Tests the Update Manager module when a security update is available.
_update_no_data in modules/update/update.module
Returns a warning message when there is no data about available updates.
_update_requirement_check in modules/update/update.install
Fills in the requirements array.
update_settings in modules/update/
Form constructor for the update settings form.
UpdateTestContribCase::testHookUpdateStatusAlter in modules/update/tests/update.test
Check that hook_update_status_alter() works to change a status.
UpdateTestContribCase::testNoReleasesAvailable in modules/update/tests/update.test
Tests when there is no available release data for a contrib module.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateBaseThemeSecurityUpdate in modules/update/tests/update.test
Tests that subthemes are notified about security updates for base themes.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateBrokenFetchURL in modules/update/tests/update.test
Makes sure that if we fetch from a broken URL, sane things happen.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateContribBasic in modules/update/tests/update.test
Tests the basic functionality of a contrib module on the status report.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateContribOrder in modules/update/tests/update.test
Tests that contrib projects are ordered by project name.
UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateShowDisabledThemes in modules/update/tests/update.test
Tests that disabled themes are only shown when desired.
UpdateTestHelper::assertStandardTests in modules/update/tests/update.test
Runs a series of assertions that are applicable to all update statuses.
user_account_form in modules/user/user.module
Helper function to add default user account fields to user registration and edit form.
UserAdminTestCase::testUserAdmin in modules/user/tests/user.test
Registers a user and deletes it.
user_login_block in modules/user/user.module
user_register_submit in modules/user/user.module
Submit handler for the user registration form.
user_role_load_by_name in modules/user/user.module
Legacy wrapper function preserved for backwards-compatibility. This function is no longer used by Backdrop core, since all roles are loaded by name now. See
view::get_breadcrumb in modules/views/includes/
Get the breadcrumb used for this view.
ViewsBlock::getTitle in modules/views/includes/
Return the title of a block as configured in the layout.
views_handler_field::render_as_link in modules/views/handlers/
Render this field as a link, with the info from a fieldset set by the user.
views_handler_field::render_text in modules/views/handlers/
Perform an advanced text render for the item.
views_handler_field_term_link_edit::render in modules/taxonomy/views/
Render the field.
ViewsHandlerFieldUrlTest::testFieldUrl in modules/views/tests/handlers/views_handler_field_url.test
views_handler_field_user_picture::render in modules/user/views/
Render the field.
views_plugin_display::option_link in modules/views/plugins/
Because forms may be split up into sections, this provides an easy URL to exactly the right section. Don't override this.
views_ui_edit_form_get_bucket in modules/views_ui/
Add information about a section to a display.
views_ui_field_list in modules/views_ui/
List all instances of fields on any views.
_views_ui_get_displays in modules/views_ui/views_ui.module
Helper function to get a list of displays assigned to a view, and their respective paths if any.
_views_ui_get_paths in modules/views_ui/views_ui.module
Helper function to get a list of paths assigned to a view.
views_ui_plugin_list in modules/views_ui/
Lists all plugins and what enabled Views use them.
views_ui_preview in modules/views_ui/
Returns the results of the live preview.