backdrop_page_set_cache in includes/
Stores the current page in the cache.
drupal_alter in includes/
Passes alterable variables to specific hook_TYPE_alter() implementations.
drupal_array_get_nested_value in includes/
Retrieves a value from a nested array with variable depth.
drupal_array_nested_key_exists in includes/
Determines whether a nested array contains the requested keys.
drupal_array_set_nested_value in includes/
Sets a value in a nested array with variable depth.
drupal_array_unset_nested_value in includes/
Unsets a value in a nested array with variable depth.
drupal_basename in includes/
Gets the filename from a given path.
drupal_build_form in includes/
Builds and processes a form for a given form ID.
drupal_cache_system_paths in includes/
Cache system paths for a page.
drupal_check_incompatibility in includes/
Checks whether a version is compatible with a given dependency.
drupal_check_module in includes/
Checks a module's requirements.
drupal_check_profile in includes/
Checks an installation profile's requirements.
drupal_chmod in includes/
Sets the permissions on a file or directory.
drupal_clear_path_cache in includes/
Clear the path cache.
drupal_common_theme in includes/
Provides theme registration for themes across .inc files.
drupal_convert_to_utf8 in includes/
Converts data to UTF-8.
drupal_current_script_url in includes/
Returns the URL of the current script, with modified query parameters.
drupal_depth_first_search in includes/
Performs a depth-first search and sort on a directed acyclic graph.
drupal_detect_baseurl in includes/
Loads the installation profile, extracting its defined distribution name.
drupal_detect_database_types in includes/
Returns all supported database installer objects that are compiled into PHP.
drupal_dirname in includes/
Gets the name of the directory from a given path.
drupal_error_levels in includes/
Maps PHP error constants to watchdog severity levels.
drupal_explode_tags in includes/
Explodes a string of tags into an array.
drupal_find_base_themes in includes/
Find all the base themes for the specified theme.
drupal_find_theme_functions in includes/
Allows themes and/or theme engines to discover overridden theme functions.
drupal_find_theme_templates in includes/
Allows themes and/or theme engines to discover overridden templates.
drupal_flush_all_caches in includes/
Flushes all cached data on the site.
drupal_form_submit in includes/
Retrieves, populates, and processes a form.
drupal_get_database_types in includes/
Returns all supported database installer objects that are compiled into PHP.
drupal_get_filetransfer_info in includes/
Assembles the Backdrop FileTransfer registry.
drupal_get_form in includes/
Returns a renderable form array for a given form ID.
drupal_get_installed_schema_version in includes/
Returns the currently installed schema version for a module.
drupal_get_normal_path in includes/
Given a path alias, return the internal path it represents.
drupal_get_path_alias in includes/
Given an internal Backdrop path, return the alias set by the administrator.
drupal_get_schema_unprocessed in includes/
Returns the unprocessed and unaltered version of a module's schema.
drupal_get_schema_versions in includes/
Returns an array of available schema versions for a module.
drupal_get_updaters in includes/
Assembles the Backdrop Updater registry.
drupal_html_to_text in includes/
Transforms an HTML string into plain text, preserving its structure.
drupal_implode_tags in includes/
Implodes an array of tags into a string.
drupal_install_mkdir in includes/
Creates a directory with the specified permissions.
drupal_install_profile_distribution_name in includes/
Loads the installation profile, extracting its defined distribution name.
drupal_install_schema in includes/
Creates all tables defined in a module's hook_schema().
drupal_install_system in includes/
Installs the system module.
drupal_is_front_page in includes/
Check if the current page is the home page.
drupal_load_updates in includes/
Loads .install files for installed modules to initialize the update system.
drupal_lookup_path in includes/
Given an alias, return its Backdrop system URL if one exists.
drupal_mail in includes/
Composes and optionally sends an e-mail message.
drupal_mail_system in includes/
Returns an object that implements the MailSystemInterface interface.
drupal_match_path in includes/
Check if a path matches any pattern in a set of patterns.
drupal_mkdir in includes/
Creates a directory using Backdrop's default mode.
drupal_move_uploaded_file in includes/
Moves an uploaded file to a new location.
drupal_parse_dependency in includes/
Parses a dependency for comparison by backdrop_check_incompatibility().
drupal_parse_info_file in includes/
Parses Backdrop module and theme .info files.
drupal_parse_info_format in includes/
Parses data in Backdrop's .info format.
drupal_path_alias_whitelist_rebuild in includes/
Rebuild the path alias white list.
drupal_path_initialize in includes/
Initialize the $_GET['q'] variable to the proper normal path.
drupal_prepare_form in includes/
Prepares a structured form array.
drupal_process_form in includes/
Processes a form submission.
drupal_realpath in includes/
Resolves the absolute filepath of a local URI or filepath.
drupal_rebuild_form in includes/
Constructs a new $form from the information in $form_state.
drupal_redirect_form in includes/
Redirects the user to a URL after a form has been processed.
drupal_required_modules in includes/
Returns an array of modules required by core.
drupal_requirements_severity in includes/
Extracts the highest severity from the requirements array.
drupal_requirements_url in includes/
Returns a URL for proceeding to the next page after a requirements problem.
drupal_retrieve_form in includes/
Retrieves the structured array that defines a given form.
drupal_rewrite_settings in includes/
Replaces values in settings.php with values in the submitted array.
drupal_rmdir in includes/
Removes a directory.
drupal_save_session in includes/
Determines whether to save session data of the current request.
drupal_schema_fields_sql in includes/
Retrieves a list of fields from a table schema.
drupal_session_commit in includes/
Commits the current session, if necessary.
drupal_session_destroy_uid in includes/
Ends a specific user's session(s).
drupal_session_initialize in includes/
Initializes the session handler, starting a session if needed.
drupal_session_regenerate in includes/
Called when an anonymous user becomes authenticated or vice-versa.
drupal_session_start in includes/
Starts a session forcefully, preserving already set session data.
drupal_session_started in includes/
Returns whether a session has been started.
drupal_set_installed_schema_version in includes/
Update the installed version information for a module.
drupal_sort_title in includes/
Sorts a structured array by 'title' key (no # prefix).
drupal_sort_weight in includes/
Sorts a structured array by 'weight' key (no # prefix).
drupal_strlen in includes/
Counts the number of characters in a UTF-8 string.
drupal_strtolower in includes/
Lowercase a UTF-8 string.
drupal_strtoupper in includes/
Uppercase a UTF-8 string.
drupal_substr in includes/
Cuts off a piece of a string based on character indices and counts.
drupal_tempnam in includes/
Creates a file with a unique filename in the specified directory.
drupal_theme_access in includes/
Determines if a theme is available to use.
drupal_theme_initialize in includes/
Initializes the theme system by loading the theme.
drupal_theme_rebuild in includes/
Forces the system to rebuild the theme registry.
drupal_truncate_bytes in includes/
Truncates a UTF-8-encoded string safely to a number of bytes.
drupal_ucfirst in includes/
Capitalizes the first letter of a UTF-8 string.
drupal_uninstall_modules in includes/
Uninstalls a given list of disabled modules.
drupal_uninstall_schema in includes/
Removes all tables defined in a module's hook_schema().
drupal_unlink in includes/
Deletes a file.
drupal_validate_form in includes/
Validates user-submitted form data in the $form_state array.
drupal_valid_path in includes/
Checks a path exists and the current user has access to it.
drupal_var_export in includes/
Backdrop-friendly var_export().
drupal_verify_install_file in includes/
Verifies the state of the specified file.
drupal_verify_profile in includes/
Verifies an installation profile for installation.
drupal_wrap_mail in includes/
Performs format=flowed soft wrapping for mail (RFC 3676).
drupal_write_record in includes/
Saves (inserts or updates) a record to the database based upon the schema.
drupal_xml_parser_create in includes/
Prepares a new XML parser.
element_sort in includes/
Sorts a structured array by '#weight' property.
element_sort_by_title in includes/
Sorts a structured array by '#title' property.
element_validate_integer in includes/
This function has been removed with the inclusion of support for HTML5 number elements. See
element_validate_integer_positive in includes/
This function has been removed with the inclusion of support for HTML5 number elements. See
element_validate_number in includes/
This function has been removed with the inclusion of support for HTML5 number elements. See
entity_create_stub_entity in modules/entity/entity.module
Assembles an object structure with initial IDs.
file_create_htaccess in includes/
Creates a .htaccess file in the given directory.
file_displays in modules/file/file.module
Returns the display to use for a file type in a given view mode.
file_displays_load in modules/file/file.module
Returns a single {file_display} array for the file type.
file_entity_access in modules/file/file.module
Deprecated wrapper function. Determines if a user may perform the given operation on the specified file.
filter_list_format in modules/filter/filter.module
Retrieves a list of filters for a given text format.
format_username in includes/
Format a username.
image_style_path_token in modules/image/image.module
This function was never included in Backdrop. See:
install_drupal in includes/
Installs Backdrop either interactively or via an array of passed-in settings.
installer_browser_get_server in modules/installer/
Gets the server to use for fetching results.
node_types_rebuild in includes/
Drupal-compatible wrapper for clearing caches.
system_check_http_request in modules/system/system.module
Checks whether the server is capable of issuing HTTP requests.
system_get_date_types in includes/
Alters Backdrop's list of defined date formats and attributes to return the expected date types and attributes for Drupal's system_get_date_types() function.
taxonomy_get_children in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Legacy wrapper to load the children of a TID.
taxonomy_get_parents in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Legacy wrapper to return the parents of a term by TID.
taxonomy_get_parents_all in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Legacy wrapper to load all the parents of a term by TID.
taxonomy_get_term_by_name in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Legacy wrapper to try to map a string to an existing term.
taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Get names for all taxonomy vocabularies.
taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Legacy wrapper to return the vocabulary object matching a machine name.
theme_file_type_overview in modules/file/
Returns HTML for the file type overview page.
theme_menu_admin_overview in modules/menu/
Returns HTML for a menu title and description for the menu overview page.
theme_node_admin_overview in modules/node/
Returns HTML for a node type description for the content type admin page.
theme_views_ui_view_name in modules/views_ui/
Display the view name and its machine name.
user_role_load_by_name in modules/user/user.module
Legacy wrapper function preserved for backwards-compatibility. This function is no longer used by Backdrop core, since all roles are loaded by name now. See
variable_del in includes/
Unsets a persistent variable.
variable_get in includes/
Returns a persistent variable.
variable_set in includes/
Sets a persistent variable.
views_clean_css_identifier in includes/
Drupal-compatible wrapper for creating safe CSS identifiers.
views_date_sql_extract in modules/views/includes/
Helper function to create cross-database SQL date extraction.
views_date_sql_field in modules/views/includes/
Helper function to create cross-database SQL dates.
views_date_sql_format in modules/views/includes/
Helper function to create cross-database SQL date formatting.