Contains filters are case sensitive
File name Location Namespacesort descending Description
translation_test.module modules/translation/tests/translation_test/translation_test.module Mock module for content translation tests.
config_test_hooks.module modules/config/tests/config_test_hooks/config_test_hooks.module Tests the hooks provided by Configuration management module. modules/config/tests/config_test/ name = Configuration test description = Provides sample configuration files for testing. version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x package = Testing hidden = TRUE modules/layout/plugins/styles/ Class providing forms and settings for the default Layout block style. modules/layout/plugins/styles/ Class providing forms and settings for the default Layout block style. modules/layout/plugins/access/ Plugin to provide access control based on user permission strings. modules/layout/plugins/access/ Plugin to provide access control based upon entity bundle. modules/layout/plugins/access/ Class for loading, modifying, and saving a layout access rule (condition). modules/layout/plugins/access/ Plugin to provide access control based upon role membership. modules/layout/plugins/access/ Plugin to provide access control based upon the current site language. modules/layout/plugins/relationships/ Provides relationship to relate the Author from a piece of content (node). modules/layout/plugins/context/ Class that holds information relating to a layouts context. modules/layout/tests/layout_test/ modules/layout/tests/layout_test/ name = Layout Test description = Support module for Layout module tests. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE modules/node/tests/node_layout_preview_test/ name = Node Layout Preview Test description = Support module for node module tests of node preview page layouts. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
node_layout_preview_test.module modules/node/tests/node_layout_preview_test/node_layout_preview_test.module Node layout preview test module.
node_test_exception.module modules/node/tests/node_test_exception/node_test_exception.module A module implementing node related hooks to test API interaction. modules/node/tests/node_test_exception/ name = "Node module exception tests" description = "Support module for node related exception testing." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE modules/node/tests/node_access_test/ name = "Node module access tests" description = "Support module for node permission testing." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
node_access_test.install modules/node/tests/node_access_test/node_access_test.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the node_access_test module. modules/file/tests/file_module_test/ name = File test description = Provides hooks for testing File module functionality. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
file_module_test.module modules/file/tests/file_module_test/file_module_test.module Provides File module pages for testing purposes. modules/block/tests/block_test/ name = Block test description = Provides test blocks. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
block_test.module modules/block/tests/block_test/block_test.module Provide test blocks.
locale_test.module modules/locale/tests/locale_test/locale_test.module Mock module for locale layer tests. profiles/testing/modules/backdrop_system_listing_incompatible_test/ name = "Backdrop system listing incompatible test" description = "Support module for testing the backdrop_system_listing function." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module ; This deliberately has the wrong core… profiles/testing/modules/backdrop_system_listing_compatible_test/ [BackdropSystemListingCompatibleTestCase] name = Installation profile module tests helper description = Verifies that tests in installation profile modules are found and may use another profile for running tests. group = Installation profiles file =…
backdrop_system_listing_compatible_test.module profiles/testing/modules/backdrop_system_listing_compatible_test/backdrop_system_listing_compatible_test.module profiles/testing/modules/backdrop_system_listing_compatible_test/ name = "Backdrop system listing compatible test" description = "Support module for testing the backdrop_system_listing function." package = Testing type = module version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
editor_iequirks.css misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/editor_iequirks.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see or…
editor.css misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/editor.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see or…
dialog.css misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/dialog.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see or */ .cke_dialog{visibility:visible}.cke_dialog_body{z-index:1;background:#fff}.cke_dialog…
dialog_iequirks.css misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/dialog_iequirks.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see or */ .cke_dialog{visibility:visible}.cke_dialog_body{z-index:1;background:#fff}.cke_dialog…
dialog_ie.css misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/dialog_ie.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see or */ .cke_dialog{visibility:visible}.cke_dialog_body{z-index:1;background:#fff}.cke_dialog…
fieldset.css themes/basis/css/component/fieldset.css Fieldsets styling.
pager.css themes/basis/css/component/pager.css Pager styling.
menu-dropdown.breakpoint-queries.css themes/basis/css/component/menu-dropdown.breakpoint-queries.css Breakpoint-specific responsive menu styles.
vertical-tabs.css themes/basis/css/component/vertical-tabs.css Vertical tabs styling.
menu-dropdown.css themes/basis/css/component/menu-dropdown.css Responsive menu styles
menu-dropdown.breakpoint.css themes/basis/css/component/menu-dropdown.breakpoint.css Responsive menu styles.
teasers.css themes/basis/css/component/teasers.css Teasers styling.
tabledrag.css themes/basis/css/component/tabledrag.css Tabledrag styling.
comment.css themes/basis/css/component/comment.css .comment { position: relative; display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 1.5em; } .comments .indented { position: relative; padding-left: 1.25em; margin-top: -1.5em; } .comments .indented:before, .comments .indented:after { content:…
breadcrumb.css themes/basis/css/component/breadcrumb.css Breadcrumb styles.
header.css themes/basis/css/component/header.css Header region styling.
caption.css themes/basis/css/component/caption.css Caption styles.
dialog.css themes/basis/css/component/dialog.css jQuery UI dialog styles.
footer.css themes/basis/css/component/footer.css Site Footer styles.
small-text-components.css themes/basis/css/component/small-text-components.css Small text components styling.
progress.css themes/basis/css/component/progress.css Progress Bar
